Ava just turned 6 months old and is cuter than ever! I don't think I've ever seen eyes quite like hers. I've taken pictures for her beautiful family several times now and love it more and more each time. They are so georgeous that it's almost hard to take a bad picture! I decided to try a few new things this time and am quite happy. Here are just a few of my favorites from Saturday's shoot...
Two very dear friends of ours had their baby last week. He is one of the cutest babies I have every seen! He only slept 5 minutes of the three hours we visited, but we were able to get a few precious photographs in those few precious moments. Here he is... all 7 pounds of him.
Saturday was my birthday and God decided to blanket Oklahoma with a pretty hefty snow (6" is a lot for our state). I was supposed to attend a photography workshop, but it was postponed due to weather. So I was able to enjoy this beautiful snowy day at home with my husband and daughter. We bundled up and took a stroll through the neighborhood to our favorite little bakery for some awesome cinnamon rolls!!! We spent the rest of the day playing in the snow (taking several breaks to warm up of course). We ended the day celebrating with friends playing games and of course eating yummy birthday cake (which my husband made... I was very impressed)!