Hollyn turned 4 in February and Easter is just around the corner.... so it's time for Evie to reunite with her two best friends for an afternoon of pictures. She was happy to see them, but not very cooperative for pictures. That's okay, because Hollyn and Myli were great! I was able to document Hollyn's 4 year old cuteness and even get a few of the sisters in their Easter dresses. As always, here are a few of my favorites...
My sister-in-law, Jamie (here are their engagement pics) is getting married in May and asked me to be her wedding photographer. I figured I could get some practice in during her wedding shower last weekend. I hung around the food table quite a bit since I was starving and because it was so gorgeous. Here are some of the photographs I took that day.
So we took another trip to visit baby Martigan, and I brought a fellow photographer, Shannon Hall, to snap a few more newborn photos before he got too big. He had already grown so much in the two weeks since I saw him last. Between the two of us, we had a plethora of props and were able to try a few of them out. Here are just some of the results...
I just can't stop smiling when I'm going through and editing pictures of babies. Their rolls of baby chub and their numerous facial expressions... what could be any cuter?!?!?! The shoot itself is pretty hard work. I'm usually laying on my stomach trying to get on their eye level while mom and dad hover over me acting ridiculous trying to get those precious smiles out of their little pride and joy. But all this is so worth it to capture that giggle or smirk. This was no exception to the shoot I had with my 5 month old nephew, Gavan. He was a pure joy... swimming on his belly and giving me tons of smiles. He didn't cry even once... which I was amazed by. I even got some cute ones of him and my daughter playing together. She was trying so hard to get him to do patty cake with his hands. I can't wait til he can sit up... I have so many ideas. Here are just a few of my favorites from this shoot...
We spent Sunday afternoon playing on the lawn at TU. We used to go there all the time with our dogs, but haven't been in over a year. We were long due for a trip (of a quarter-mile). We just took Max with us this time since we also have a toddler to keep our eye on (plus I wanted to get some pictures). I did sort of feel guilty about leaving our other two dogs at home, but they'll get their turn. As you can tell from the pictures, my daughter never sits still so I've succumbed to the conclusion there will be no happy posed shots of her for a while. We had a blast and really need to make time to do this more often. Oh Spring, I've missed your golden rays of sunshine on my face. Please come home soon!